

Sage is used in Italian cooking especially as toppings for first courses..


There are over 800 types of sage, the most common and popular is Sage Officinalis. This is a perennial plant, coming from Mediterranean Europe. The name comes from the Latin word salvus (salvo) or salus (salute), with reference to its beneficial properties. There are many different proverbs and legends connected with the virtues of sage, which many consider as the symbol of longevity (“Those with sage in the garden have health in their body”).


Sage is used in Italian cooking especially as toppings for first courses: a classic for ravioli, gnocchi or fresh pasta is represented by parmesan and sauteed butter flavored with sage. The type of sage that has big leaves are sometimes dipped in batter and fried or blended with oil, salt and pepper to make aintensely fragrant sauce, perfect for use with boiled vegetables.

Did you know that

A sage leaf brushed on teeth and gums reduces inflammation and whitens, leaving your mouth with a nice fresh smell! Today, the antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicotic (only to quote some) features are well know. Sage is also an excellent hormonal regulator for women.

