
Pizzutella grape

Very sweet with a vanilla aftertaste, these are perfect when paired with more bitter vegetables.


With seeds or seedless, green, red or black – this type of grape is the undisputed queen of September. Several factors can influence cultivation, including terrain, climate and market demand. In Italy, the leading regions for grape production are without a doubt Puglia and Sicily, and it’s from the former that a historic grape called the white pizzutella hails. Originally from Syria, these grapes are now widespread across Sicily, Puglia and Lazio. Their name ‘pizzutella’ comes from the word in Roman dialect meaning ‘pointed.’ The moniker comes from their easily recognizable elongated shape and pointed trip. They’re greenish-yellow in color, or more golden when very ripe, and they’re very sweet and juicy. They’re ready for picking between late September and early October, which makes them one of the later blooming varieties


In addition to their unusual shape, they’re also notably sweeter than other types of grapes. This trait makes them perfect in desserts like puddings, pies and strudels, but they’re also great in savory dishes. In particular, their extra sweet flavor can balance out more bitter salad leaves such as endive, escarole and radicchio. The best pairings are with bitter ingredients, resulting in the perfect bittersweet contrast.

Did you know

Consumers love pizzutella grapes because they’re sweet, and by grape producers love them because they’re easy to transport. There is also a black variety, but they’re much less in-demand as they’re more sour than sweet.

