
Purple striped eggplant

Egglplants should always be cut lengthwise instead of across.


The purple striped eggplant is a cross between white and purple varieties. This vegetable originated in India and was later brought to Italy by the Arabs. It’s for this reason that the scientific name, Solanum melogena, is derived neither from Greek nor Latin. This type of eggplant is very easy to grow because it can adapt to any kind of terrain, and can be cultivated in both greenhouses and fields. It has become more and more popular over the last few years, and is used in many recipes. Eggplants are made largely of water, which is why they have such a low calorie content–just 25 kcal per 100 grams. They are also rich in potassium, which helps your body absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins.


The purple striped eggplant is grown mostly in southern Italy, and is often used to prepare parmigiana and caponata. Because they are sweeter than the classic dark purple ones, this variety is well suited for grilling, then drizzled in raw olive oil and fresh mint leaves.
Due to their sweeter, more delicate taste, it’s less important to salt them unless you’re going to deep fry them. In that case, salting them helps to eliminate excess water.

Did you know

The purple striped eggplant is easy to grow even in a pot. This allows you to have fresh produce right at home, without even needing garden. The eggplant works well as both a decorative and productive plant.

