
Ronde de Nice zucchini

Round zucchini are very delicate, so they’re great even raw!


The ronde de nice zucchini is a very old variety that originated in southern France along the Riviera. The plant grows in bush form and the zucchini need to be eaten young, as soon as they’re about the size of an orange. The ronde de nice is probably the most widespread variety of round zucchini, along with the ‘tondo di Piacenza’. The former is distinguishable by its lighter color. In order to choose zucchini, just look at the skin–it should be brightly colored with a firm texture. You can keep them in the fridge for several days in the vegetable drawer.


Round zucchini are perfect for stuffing. For a fresh summery idea, try spaghetti with a zucchini and saffron cream, twirled into a bundle and served directly inside the zucchini. Then top the dish with crispy diced speck. Round zucchini are very delicately flavored, which is why they’re also great when eaten raw in ribbons with a bit of oil, lemon, salt and shaved parmesan cheese.

Did you know

Zucchini have a very high mineral content, which is why they’re considered an ideal summer food because they help restore the minerals lost through sweating.
If you want to stuff a round zucchini, the best way is to boil it for 5-6 minutes, remove the cap on top and scoop the insides out with a spoon.

