
Borso del Grappa peas

This is a delicate and sweet tasting legume, perfect for the traditional Venetian dish “Risi e bisi”


Borso del Grappa peas, also called “Biso de Borso” in the local dialect, are a product from the area of Borso del Grappa. They have roots reaching far back in history – they’re believed to have first been imported from central Asia many centuries ago. It’s said that they were brought to the Duke during the times of the Republic of Venice for the festival of San Marco, to be used in the famous dish ‘Risi e Bisi’ (rice and peas). They spread beyond the local area thanks to the women of Borso, who brought the first peas of the season as gifts from the noble houses where they worked. The plant is cultivated for a springtime harvest: the first crops are ready to be picked by March, but June is the best time to enjoy them at their peak.


Their characteristics? They’re less watery and have a sweeter, more delicate flavour than other peas. They’re great fresh, and they’re also an excellent source of vitamin C and carotenoids. How and when are they at their best? The Mostra Mercato in Biso del Borso is definitely the best opportunity to sample them. It’s an event held every year in the first half of June, right during the harvest. In addition to the famous “risi e bisi”, they’re also perfect in appetizers, sauces and purees.

Did you know

There were references in Baldassarre Pisanelli’s 1659 treatise on the nature of food to a particularly sweet pea from the Borso area, which was a source of income for the poor local communities. To bring back their traditional growing methods, an association was formed in 1980-81 for the pea farmers (Bisicoltori di Borso del Grappa). They’ve been promoting the cultivation of this legume through a variety of cultural events ever since.

