

Short cooking to avoid the deterioration process!


Cuttlefish belong to the Decapodi order, because they have ten arms like squids and tattlers, and belong to the Seepiidae, a family of mollusks that populate all the seas of the planet. According to each different genre, they are localized in particular habitats. For example, the common cuttlefish, or sepia oficinalis, can be found in the Mediterranean Sea or in the Atlantic Ocean, in the section that goes from Scandinavia to Morocco. The oriental cuttlefish, like the sepiella japonica, normally lives in the Indian Ocean. The dimensions of this delicious mollusk can vary according to the area in which is found. Cuttlefish from the Mediterranean area are small, like 25/30 cm, while the ones in the Atlantic Ocean can be bigger than 1 meter.


First of all, you need to recognize fresh cuttlefish: normally these still have traces of ink on them, but mostly you’ll notice the consistency. They should never be too tender, because this would mean that they are not fresh. Once you’ve bought them, you have to clean them. It’s better to do it yourself if you are able, because cuttlefish must be cleaned and cooked quickly, in order to avoid the deteriorating process. Careful not to break the ink sack, because it’s delicious as a tasty colorant. Sauces, soups, salads…the important is to be careful while cooking them.

Did you know

Cuttlefish is very low in fat, and because of their low energetic content, they are perfect for low calories diets. Moreover, they have the power to make you feel full: try and eat two or three, and you will feel full! And also, they don’t contain much cholesterol.

