April is spring’s month, but above all, it is about strawberries.
Ancient Roman too are used to appreciating the unique flavour, they call it “fragrans”. Shakespeare established strawberries like “Fairies food”. Strawberries are full of positive substances for our health, such as C Vitamin, antioxidative and potassium. They got few calories, so perfect in this part of the year to give an equilibrium to our bodies, that says bye to the winter and hello to the summer. A well-known fruit since ever thanks to its red colour. But, did you know Strawberries could be white too?
Pineberry strawberry: the white variety

Pineberry strawberry is a white variety, very similar to pineberry about taste. It is less spread in Italy, but cultivation has survived thanks to some holland farmers. Very popular in the USA and Japan, where it is considered precious like a jewel. Pineberry strawberry is awesome to decor dishes but also to combine savoury dishes.
Candonga strawberry: it’s aperitif time!
Candonga strawberry is a Made in Italy variety, we move to Metapontino area, close to Matera. Strong flavour, vivid red it is the strawberry variety more cultivated in south Italy regions. From Cangonga strawberry and Venetian Brut Spumante matching, was born the famous aperitif Rossini-Candonga: a great balance between sugar and acidic taste. Try to combine it with savoury and sweet snacks!