If you’re using them in salad add onions after draining the beans. They’ll absorb the flavor better.
String beans are part of the legume family, originally from the American continent and imported to Europe in the 16th century. They are a unique type of bean in that the pod can be eaten and they don’t need to be shucked. They are an annual crop, planted in the spring or summer and harvested in the summer or autumn. There are several varieties, including green, yellow or purple which are typical of Trento.
Cook It
Seared green beans are a delicious side dish. They can be flavored in many different ways: with parsley, oil and vinegar, lemon, oil and pistachios or salt and pepper. They are used in pasta with Pesto and in vegetable meatloeaves, like the one made in Liguria, made with mashed potatoes, green beans and cheese.
Did you Know that
Green Beens are legumes, eat you eat the whole of it. Nonetheless, from a nutritional point if view, they are considered vegetables. Their protein count is very low if compared with other legumes.