Stretch, compact and no external film, that´s how pasta should be when ready!
Available in many different shapes and colors, pasta is one of the most symbolic food of the italian cuisine. It came to life in many different forms and indipentently in many areas of the Eurasian continet. Shapes and cooking tecniques traditionally associated with pasta first appeared in the Middle Ages, and some of them are still the same one that we know today (perforate, egg, stuffed pasta…). Also, at the same time, small artisanal shops were created, which produced and sold pasta.
Cook it
Pasta MUST be eaten “al dente”, meaning that the core should still be slightly hard when you bite into it. To cook pasta, follow this basic rules: find a pot big enough, and consider that for every 100 grams of pasta, you need 1 litre of water and also remember that the pot can be filled up to 2/3. When water starts boiling, add a tablespoon of coarse salt. Never put oil, and always keep the water boiling till pasta is done. If you want to “rice up” your pasta, pour it in the sauce pan half a way through its cooking. Taste for doneness, drain and dress according to your taste!
Did you Know that
Halfway through the cooking time, you can turn the heat off, cover the pot and leave pasta undisturbed for the remaining time: the heat of the water will keep cooking pasta but in a more gentle way, preserving the nutriens.