

Your tongue’s on fire? Some salt will act better than firefighters!


Salt is a mineral deeply connected with humans: why? Because our bodies contain salt as well! First traces of its utilization are located in Egypt, in the Indo valley and in Babylon. Essential for preserving food, salt was known in the Mediterranean territories as white gold and entire trade routes between seas and inland were opened because of this ingredient. Usually is highly refined, the salt commercially available is bleached and deprived of its microelements and rich taste.

Cook it

Salt can highlight tastes or cover them completely if not used carefully. Unrefined varieties enrich dishes without altering the original flavours. “Colored” salts, like black or red Hawaiian or pink Himalayan, or smoked or flavoured with herbs can intensify the aspect and the taste of even sweet plates.

Did you Know that

Salt can easily be flavored at home: put it in a dried glass jar and add dry herbs or spices or citrus zest according to your tastes.

