
Sorrento lemon I.G.P.

Tart and highly aromatic. Grate the peel to garnish savory dishes.


The IGP Sorrento Lemon, also known as Massa lemon or “Massese (Cultivar Massese)” and the oval from Sorrento. Its origins are very ancient as proven by paintings and mosaics found in Pompeii and Ercolano. During the centuries this ingredient has been fascinating for many artists (from Torquato Tasso to Giambattista Della Porta), that’s why we have many testimonies of its cultivation in the neaples area. The Sorrento lemon is different thanks to its unique aroma, typical of the territory where is produced. The yellow pulp is very juicy and the juice has high levels of acidity, besides being rich of C vitamins and minerals.


The acid taste and its refreshing properties make this lemon the summer ingredient par excellence. Is perfect to make desserts, like the famous lemon Delizia, but it is also ideal to season fresh veggies. Surely, they are the ones used to make limoncello. The peel is special too, medium thickness, very fragrant and full of essential oils, with a yellow color. When you prepare a dish with fresh fish, try to grind the peel of the lemon and you’ll feel the deliciousness coming out of it!

Did you know

In the book “Jerusalem Delivered” by Torquato Tasso, the author describes these lemons as eternal: “Co’ fiori eterni, eterno il frutto dura e mentre spunta l’un, l’altro matura”. Something very peculiar of this ingredient is that it blooms many times during the year, from February to October, coloring the IGP area with shades, fruits and fragrances.

