
Overexposing food: the new trend takes over Italian TV and social media

#trendfood @foodblog Food combines different needs, craving, taste and sharing.

In Italy 70 TV shows, 1000 websites (counting magazines and blogs) 25000 bloggers…

When we talk about trands we inevitably focus on topics that are not only massively present on the media, but also redefine our habits and perception. The food related trend we are seeing recalls interesting topics such as food as art, food to showcase and even to overexpose. Details like color, shape, size and styling all contribute to excite the observer’s imagination, allowing them to picture and dream about aroma and taste.

Along with design and fashion, food is the new trending topic, especially pop food

In 2013 agribusiness contributed about 10% to the GDP, along with fashion and design, and it represents the current media trend (TV, print and social). This prompted Mec e GroupM to make a research (FoodFwd), calling the attention on the consumers’ perception towards products and the role TV plays in steering products consumption. The foodscape connected to homelife and family values traditionally conveyed by TV is now evolving towards a faster approach to cooking, which targets working women. The perfect example of this shift is Benedetta Parodi and her show Cotto e Mangiato. However, the latest creation of food shows is the so called pop food, a format in which food meets fashion and design. Models of this trend are shows such as Masterchef and other aired on Real Time. Moreover, we are seeing a further transformation of the food perception connected to digital TV, social networks and the web in general.

Food and social networks, a connection based on appearance and relation

Besides TV and print, foodmania is also spreading on social media, where it not only becomes an object to showcase, but also a tie between communication and relation. Food related social media, like Foodspotting and TasteSpotting are popping up. Based on geolocation, Foodspotting allows users to locate food related places and share pictures and comments.

TasteSotting, on the other hand, is a sort of Pinterest for food, with eye-catching images that encourage the user to click and share. As stated by the founders themselves: “Tastespotting is our obsessive, compulsive collection of eye-catching images that link to something deliciously interesting on the other side.” The food obsession is seen as a mix of pictures and colors, where appearance is key and food is admired.

The countertrend is to publish and share the gross side of food, like Cookingforbae does, rapidly becoming viral. Of course this did not happen in Itlay, where care and admiration for food always prevail.



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