Under the Christmas tree there are many surprises but also familiar certainties. The most important one is knowing that, sooner more than later, there will be that moment, when the whole family will be sitting down eating the tastes of tradition. The ingredients waiting for us each 25th of December are full of history, the most sweet and tasty memories. It is a moment of union, a very thin string that passes through centuries. The power of food is incredible. That’s why everyone sooner or later talks about it: writers, directors, thinkers, philosophers, artists… and that’s why Flick on Food gives you famous quotes from famous people. This is our Christmas gift to you: a taste of the most loved food quotes.
“Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”
– Federico Fellini –
“How can a nation be called great if its bread tastes like kleenex?”
– Julia Child –
“The day in which food will lose its history and value, everything will be hopeless.”
– Carlo Petrini –
“Wine, especially in Italy, is the land’s poetry.”
– Mario Soldati –
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates –