

Match eggplant with cheese. A unique flavor!


Aubergines belong to the same family as tomatoes and potatoes – they all belong to the Solanacae family. Aubergines originally come from Asia, and were particularly common in India and China. They were introduced in Europe by Arabs. Aubergine cultivations spread all over the Mediterranean reagion in the 16th century due to the warm climate conditions of this particular area. It is a fruit that absorbs fats quickly and therefore is perfect when preparing rich, greasy, tasty dishes.


In Sicily, aubergines are the key ingredient in preparing pasta alla Norma and Parmigiana. In both recipes, the aubergine is fried (or sauteed in extra virgin olive oil). Parmigiana’s preparation is similar to that of lasagna: it consists in layers of fried aubergine slices, tomatoe sauce and cheese, and then baked. Pasta alal Norma’s recipe, on the other hand, sautees the aubergines, with tomatoes, basil and aged cheese. Many countries from all over the world have traditional and local recipes made with aubergines. In India aubergines are served with curry and rice.

Did you know that

Eggplant have very few calories, but they are rich in fibers and these molecules bind to the cholesterol ones, preventing them to flow into the bloodstream.

