
White asparagus of Bassano

Eat it as fresh as possible. The prized white asparagus has an unforgettable sweet flavor.


The white asparagus of Bassano is a highly prized vegetable from the Liliaceae family. It is grown in the Veneto region, including in the area of Bassano del Grappa. It obtained a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) classification in 2007. Besides its color, it is also characterized by its size – 18-22 cm tall with a diameter of at least 11 mm – its nicely formed buds, straight spears and dense tips. Asparagus cultivation in Bassano appears to have quite historic origins. “in the 1500s, a severe hail storm destroyed the part of the plant already above the ground. The farmer then tried to salvage the part of the asparagus that had remained underground – that is, the white part. He realised how good it was, so from then on he started to harvest his asparagus before it grew through the soil.”


White asparagus is sweeter than its green counterpart, and has such a delicate flavor that it can be eaten raw. It’s fresh and fragrant, but needs to be eaten within a few days from when it’s picked (2-3 days max). Otherwise it can be kept in the fridge at 4°C, or in cold water. In addition to eating it plain, it also pairs well with rice, pasta or eggs.

Did you know

White asparagus is grown using a technique in which the spears are covered with tarps to ensure they stay perfectly white as they develop. Asparagus sprouts at the beginning of spring and is available through June. It is perfect for the transition into spring because it has cleansing properties, and helps prevent water retention. It also aids digestion thanks to its high fiber content.

